Google Translation: #ThisIsACoup More loans for Greece?“YES“ or „NO“

At first, excuse ne for this very bad try to translate my german original! This is, not more of less than the Google Translation result …

„Our tax dollars are Futsch what is now taking place purely humanitarian aid that an idle Greek Government does not deserve!“

So, or something like that be justified at present many proponents of further loans for Greece.
If you let the real circumstances aside, one could see that so. Only just this Greek Government to blame inaction, hides the German or EU cannonades since taking office completely.Basically came the but not to govern. But times quite apart from that, it should never have to give these loans 2010/2012! Only these loans have to escalate the problem! By the way, not only the Greeks have a problem, we have only been these loans the problem is that our tax dollars were embezzled! Any reasonably objective outsiders, I am thinking you will know what power has a creditor on the debtor. It is common ground we Germans are the main financiers of the EU, is not disputed, the debt of some Member States to consider since the financial crisis, as borderline. As always, the coin has two sides, on the one hand this debt burden on the reputation of the EUROS (ratings, coupon rates, etc.), but this one has Signore Draghi with its printing press, on the other hand, the debt of these countries is a thoroughly welcome leverage for Germany’s political enforce goals. That this pressure means quite selective and in no way comes with uniform standards for use, shows the EU’s 2008 Crisis Intervention While Ireland, as a tax haven (corporate taxes 5-12%) simply could make and „rescued“ with generous financial support from the EU was, one has the same business model, „tax haven“ denounced in Cyprus and made for financial contributions, the adaptation of corporate taxes to condition.One country, Cyprus, so that has been withdrawn „state business model“, the other country, Ireland, was just still allows the same „state business model“. Why? The answer is quite simple, while Russian investors, money launderers, companies are sanctioned in Cyprus, were in Ireland primarily US-American corporations, spared! So much for the standards of EU policy. By the way, the interests of large corporations are the main reason why the EU tax havens Luxembourg and the Netherlands continue to tolerate. In these countries each year are € bn German taxpayers evaded legally!
When I’m talking about billion € of legal tax evasion, are meant hundreds of billions of €!However, it is possible the entire circumference is very difficult to determine. The alleged dimension but in the following diagram a little clearer.

Taxes – Our Common Fund The figures refer to the year 2010 in Germany

You can see it in the numbers: The 34 million households pay at approx. € 185 billion fifteen times its in the state community Checkout what the company identify themselves as primary income taxes: In 2010, the (measly) 12 billion. Background: Companies have (very) many ways to „optimize“ taxes „Window Dressing“ Normally, Holdings and shell companies in tax havens, profit shifting by „intra-group transfer pricing“ design, and soweiter.

Steuerflucht - Harmonisierung der Unternehmensteuern nicht mit Wolgang Schäuble alias Mr. Tax Haven

Steuerflucht – Harmonisierung der Unternehmensteuern nicht mit Wolgang Schäuble alias Mr. Tax Haven

Much of this, not paid in Germany, corporate taxes land, especially in the tax havens Luxembourg, Ireland, the Netherlands and also outside the EU, in Switzerland, Lichtenstein and in the off-shore havens such as the Cayman Islands.

Why the works, using the example of Greece demonstrated, EU unity not really, when it comes to the EU-wide harmonization of corporate taxation? Using the example of Germany – the difference between the taxes of households and companies amounted to € 172 billion rich – are the dimensions of this „EU-Schäuble tax shelter“ clearly!

Also here „Schattenmann“, our man for the special (tax) cases Wolfgang Schäuble, shows his leadership qualities at EU level!
The man, for the EU Corruption and tax cases ….Mr. Tax amnesty for money-laundering, … would have folded it with the tax agreement with Switzerland, today Uli Hoeneß would not be in the jail!
The darling of all tax evasion and money-laundering was also one of the monetary boats for the arms dealer Schreiber … we remember? 100.000 – DM and Schäuble blackouts! And then the affair and the mysterious endowment in Liechtenstein  … and the CDU donations to the wren endowment …

According to SPD representative Frank Hofmann there has been an „unlawful arm“ of the CDU which has operated in a closed system like in the area of the organised crime above all with verbal arrangements.

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So you can probably cope claiming the Wolfgang has a long list of …., I almost just said criminal history, right, of course, experience!

Incidentally, between compliance with the Maastricht debt criteria, while today insisted on compliance with the agreements, as if it were God’s commandments, sorry that’s hypocritical 1992-2008 D and F in not one year.
These points should, bear in mind at all the justified criticism Greece.
A leftist government seems the neoliberal establishment in the EU simply too dangerous, as that one could simply accept the sovereignty of the Greek people. That is why I criticize our government. The reluctant simply my imagination and my conviction of democracy. And this value, which can not be so easily defined and measured in euros, I think is more important than many hypocritical and mendacious speeches of German politicians, regardless of whether the CDU or SPD!

Only times along the way!

It’s been a little over three years since Greece got his first haircut. Helped the little, because the economic output has since continued to fall rapidly – though not as bad as in another EU country.

Selected EU Countries Debt Sustainability

Worry even other major economies: France about it brings only 4.2 percent growth, even Italy has stagnated at just 0.4 percent.

Weaken Dreiländer

Spain, however, has recovered from its crisis and now gained a total of 2.6 percent to an intermediate depth. Bulgaria and the Czech Republic have overcome intermittent valleys again.

Only three EU countries report negative growth figures: Croatia economic output declined by 1.8 per cent since April 2012, Greece has reduced 8.6 percent and Cyprus by 11.5 percent.

In the list of the European statistical office Eurostat unfortunately lacks Ireland, which may also look at a great upswing since 2012.

10 countries except Greece, which also are the verge of bankruptcy

All our eyes are currently on Greece and whether the country will go bankrupt in the next few months or years. There are 10 other EU countries, where the crisis is at least as great.

Greece stands shortly before the bankruptcy – but not alone. More than 20 countries around the world stuck to a study by the Jubilee Debt Campaign in similar crises. Which is partly triggered by the central banks of industrialized countries. For since there is hardly any interest in us, investors are looking for other markets, such as emerging and developing countries to invest their money there.

Low interest rates tempted by debt

But even for these countries are the interest rates on low levels, which is why the governments gladly accept the money borrowed, rather than establish a reasonable budget policy. So, the debt crisis worsen in many countries, says the study.
Many of the mainly African countries with high debt now in 2005 received a haircut from the G8 countries. The idea was to render them genuine freedom of choice about their finances and could come more quickly to prosperity. Often a misconception, as is now.

So a debt crisis is defined

Jubilee defined a country in an acute debt crisis, if the debts currently make up more than 30 percent of gross domestic product, the annual deficit in excess of five percent is and repayment rates are over 10 percent of government revenues. According to this definition are currently the following 22 countries in a debt crisis:


  • Armenia
  • Greece
  • Ireland
  • Croatia
  • Macedonia
  • Montenegro
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Ukraine
  • Cyprus


  • Gambia
  • Zimbabwe (already bankrupt)
  • Sudan (already bankrupt)
  • Tunisia


  • Belize
  • Costa Rica
  • Dominican Republic
  • El Salvador
  • Grenada
  • St. Vincent and the Grenadines


Australia / Oceania

These 14 countries are at serious risk (nine of them from Africa) and 29 countries in medium risk (including Italy, Hungary and Poland).

Veröffentlicht am 14. Juli 2015 in Deutschland heute Abend, Tagesthemen und mit , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , getaggt. Setze ein Lesezeichen auf den Permalink. Hinterlasse einen Kommentar.

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