Political and social double standards – racism in the USA, Israel and (Nazi) Germany. A historical comparison.

USA-Germany-Israel: the Mental Bermuda Triangle

Three states play a special role in the imperial charade of the „West of values“: the USA, Germany and Israel. For the fiction of a West supposedly based on human rights, democracy and freedom, the triangle of these states creates special narratives of this fiction and at the same time represents the „Bermuda Triangle“ in which historical truth disappears.

These three states, which play such an important role in the West’s self-presentation, each have foundations that have as little to do with morality as a cow has to do with tightrope walking.

The USA: built on genocide. Slavery and land theft (including from Mexican territory), as well as permanent wars, are in fact an autocracy in which figures selected by the US power elite are offered to the electorate as a choice between plague and cholera. There is a close connection to Great Britain and the other Anglo-Saxon-dominated countries of Canada, Australia and New Zealand. These are also united in the closest intelligence cooperation in the world, the „Five_Eyes„, an „association for the maintenance of the rule of the white man“. It is this constellation of power that actually poses the greatest threat to humanity.

After the USA had succeeded in driving the Soviet Union almost to economic death by arms race, it initially adopted a friendly stance towards the former systemic competitor, and even signaled that it did not_want_to_expand_NATO and thus the US sphere of influence (a fact that was lied away lateron), which made German reunification possible. However, the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact was not followed by the dissolution of NATO, but by hasty attempts to plunder_Russian_resources.
NATO was expanded to an extreme extent, and finally attempts were made to seize Ukraine as well, which is why the Maidan_coup_was_staged there, fingered by Victoria Nuland. The danger was there for Russia, to have the knife at its throat by US missiles in Ukraine. Theambitions_of_the_US power elite for world domination are unbroken.

Germany was built up by the USA after the Second World War as_a_maskof Western imperialist capitalism, first via the old Federal Republic and then via the reunified Germany. Soon after the war, the FRG was once again allowed to participate in the plundering of the Global South, without direct participation through colonies or later through direct neo-colonial ties.

The FRG was actually built up quite democratically on the inside (also to keep German capital under control) and prosperity was distributed more widely than in any other Western country. This comfortable living situation first in the FRG, then in the united Germany, despite social differences, was sold as the result of the superiority of the capitalist system! The construct naturally won the hearts of those living in it.

The comprehensive criticism of its own past (as in no other Western country, and all of them had enormous colonial, murderous guilt) created a high moral reputation for Germany in the world, which could be used in many ways to make Germany appear as a kind of character witness for the West and Israel. In fact, Germany was the ideal mask for the West!

However, the unconditional loyalty to Israel’s brutal, genocidal policy towards the Palestinians is beginning to undermine its moral reputation in the world.

Israel as a Jewish state, based on Zionism, was already an idea in the 19th century that had two mothers. Firstly, Jewish fear of anti-Judaism in the West, especially in Great Britain – and also in France (of course also in Germany). Secondly, there was a desire in both countries to get rid of the unpopular Jewish population and at the same time to have a solid colonial bridgehead in the Middle East.


This had a parallel in the US and British efforts to „dispose“ of freed slaves from Africa in Liberia and Sierra Leone respectively and to turn them into a reliable colonial bridgehead, as it were, as privileged intruders, heavily dependent on the protection of the sending country.

As in the case of Liberia and Sierra_Leone, the interests of the local people played no role whatsoever in the Zionist project; they were simply „natives without rights“, as in settler colonialism in general. The ideological underpinning of the African projects was simply the slogan „back to Africa“, in the case of Israel „home to the promised land“, Palestine, from which they had been expelled around 2000 years previously.

The monstrous German crimes involving the murder of around six million European Jews naturally gave the Israel project a special boost, allowing Israel to become the last settler colony emanating from Europe.

The relationships between the three cornerstones of this triangle are now very complex and have a variety of functions. As mentioned at the beginning, one important function is triangular trade in hypocritical narratives that are intended to conceal the USA’s continued imperial ambitions to dominate the world.

Between Germany and the USA the portrayal of the USA as a „benevolent hegemon“ plays a special role. The myth is cultivated that if you put yourself under the wing of this hegemon, you will flourish like post-war Germany. This narrative was a key bait with which the Eastern European countries released from the grip of the Soviet Union could be drawn into the US orbit of NATO and the EU after the end of the Cold War. The resulting enormous heterogeneity of the EU increasingly led to its weakening, which could only suit the US power elite, as the EU was also an economic competitor of the USA, albeit with a competing currency, the Euro.

The USA is celebrated by Germany as the main liberator from Nazi barbarism, despite its late entry into the war in 1941 following the German declaration of war on the USA.

What is swallowed up in the mental Bermuda Triangle is the fact that it was important parts of the US power elite that made the Nazis‘ seizure_of_power possible, and that the Nazis‘ blitzkrieg, which was so successful at the beginning, was made possible by intensive economic_cooperation. Even during large parts of the war, goods essential to the war were traded covertly. The aim was not to lead the Nazis to world domination, but for the USA, through Germany, to „relegate“ its imperial rival Great Britain to the sidelines and bomb the Soviet Union into misery, which cost the Soviet Union around 27 million deaths. It should also be mentioned here that there were military plans in the USA at the end of the 1920s and beginning of the 1930s for a war between the USA and Great Britain („War_Plan_Red“) as part of various war plans (United_States_color-coded_war_plans).

The collapse of Nazi barbarism was due more to the bloodshed of the Red Army than to the USA, which only really struck once the aforementioned war aims had been achieved. The civilian population was targeted even more than industry, as the USA hoped to soon be able to fall back on Germany in the further fight against the Soviet Union.

In any case, Germany is probably the most compliant vassal of the USA, lending a helping hand in most of the wars it wages to expand its global dominance. Germany’s foreign policy sovereignty is severely restricted and important US bases are located on German soil, including Ramstein_Air_Base, the headquarters of the US armed forces in Europe and the largest military base outside the USA.

In Germany’s political and media public, the USA is celebrated more than ever as the guarantor of Germany’s and Europe’s freedom and security and of the much-cited „free Western world“, regardless of the wars and destruction it causes in the world. Yet the US’s work of destruction around Europe is one of the most important causes of flight and migration flows, alongside the general plundering of the global South. There was only a partial uprising of German politics during the Iraq war in 2003 (together with France), when even government politicians took part in demonstrations against the Iraq war under the banner „no blood for oil“. However, Germany served as a hub for the US operations. The rebelliousness soon disappeared again. In the Ukraine_conflict, which was puposefully_brought_about by the USA, German politicians also showed enormous compliance, apart from the Chancellor’s refusal to supply the Taurus cruise missile. German political „super-vassals“ are already coming down hard on him for this.

Between Israel and Germany, of course, the criminal Nazi regime played a key role, as it greatly promoted the founding of the state of Israel, which was initially more of a British-French project. However, the Soviet Union also initially had illusions about some socialist elements in Zionism (e.g. the kibbutz system) and supported the emerging Israel. The Israeli government declared itself the heir to the six million European Jews murdered by Germany in the Holocaust and demanded unrestricted support for its colonial project. The old Federal Republic, and later the whole of Germany, lived comfortably with the situation of making the Palestinians pay the main price for their own historical crimes.

A mental self-deception in Germany consists in believing that unrestricted support for the Israeli colonial and racist occupation regime would mitigate German historical guilt, when in fact it is the case that even more guilt is heaped on top of historical guilt! One can speak of a moral indulgence mentality.


In the West today, all criticism of Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians is often branded as „anti-Semitism“. The term ‚anti-Semitism‘ is highly misleading, because the majority of the Semites are – the Arabs! The term originated in German-speaking countries as a synonym for anti-Judaism. It arose essentially from bourgeois competitive thinking against well-educated Jewish circles. It served to endow the European Jews with a special alleged foreignness by accessing their ancient origins. At the time the word was coined, the Jews were practically the only Semites (however mixed with Europeans) to be found in Europe.

The relationship between the USA and Israel is particularly multi-layered and complex and has also changed considerably over the decades. Both states are based on settler colonialism and serious crimes against the original inhabitants of the territories. The US power elite as „WASP“, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, was originally strongly anti-Jewish (e.g. Henry Ford’s anti-Jewish inflammatory_writings as quite representative to a certain extent). It should also not be forgotten that the racist policies of the USA with its racial legislation were a terrible_model for the Nazis‘ Nuremberg Race Laws.

The Nazis‘ increasing ideology of exclusion and extermination was of little importance to US policy for a long time, even during the Second World War. It was only with the increasing number of casualties of US soldiers in the Second World War that the racist crimes of the Nazis took on a certain role in the legitimization of US military involvement.

This meant that racism in the western world could no longer be ignored as an issue. And it was an important aspect of the anti-colonial struggle. And the Nazi war of extermination in the East was also based on racism. It had cost 27 million lives. Belgian_Colonialism in the Congo alone cost eight to ten million lives, and lateron Congo´s independence_was_destroyed. In addition, many, many millions died throughout the global South as a result of Western colonialism. Morally, the West was left naked.

The narrative of the uniqueness of the Holocaust came in handy. In order not to be misunderstood, the industrial character of the Nazi mass murders certainly has its uniqueness, but not in terms of the number of deaths and the immeasurable suffering. Subliminally, a completely different kind of uniqueness may play a role in the Western consciousness: in the Holocaust, what could only be done to black, brown and yellow people was done to „whites“! Well, and the Slavic dead were quickly added to the rest of the „Untermenschen“. Even before the end of the Second World War (UK: „Operation_Unthinkable„) and shortly after its end, nuclear mass destruction fantasies flourished against them in the UK and the USA (USA: „Plan_Totality„).

In any case, anti-Judaism was now declared the archaetype of racism as „anti-Semitism“. The memorial of uniqueness could now cover up large parts of Western crimes! This is also an important part of the function of the mental Bermuda Triangle, in which historical truth disappears.

In fact, for a long time the USA was not an unconditional supporter of Israeli policy, as allies in the Arab world were important and useful to them, with Saudi Arabia playing a particularly important role (oil for dollars). This is why, in the midst of the Cold War, the USA, together with the Soviet Union, stopped the invasion_of_Egypt by Great Britain, France and Israel in 1956.

Let us now look at the situation today: Israel’s openly racist practice of genocide is slowly becoming a burden for the West, especially the USA, vis-à-vis the world. The US government is increasingly urging moderation. However, one close ally of the USA, although extremely dependent on it financially, doesn’t give a damn about even the fierce frowning of US power: Israel! Despite all the geostrategic advantages that the USA may derive from this close relationship, it often seems puzzling why the superpower allows itself to be so much put through its nose by this small country.

The explanation for this is simpler than you might think. There are „dirty secrets“, as there are two_prominent_events in recent US history: the assassination of Kennedy and Nine Eleven!

Both events allow only one reasonable conclusion for those who look closely at the details: both were acts of important parts of the US power elite! It was an „inside job“ in each case, however much this view may be defamed by the mainstream media as „conspiracy beliefs“. These are the two most important dirty secrets of the US power elite. But who has one of the most effective secret services in the world? Israel! The Israeli power elite has all the important details about these two events „on the screen“! This offers tremendous blackmail potential, at least for all issues concerning the Middle East. This blackmailing power is unquestionably being exploited without restraint. There might be more dark_secrets which are on the screen of Israels intelligence apparatus.

An important addition is also necessary: For the USA and the West as a whole, Israel played an important role in supporting not only fascist regimes in Latin America (in which, incidentally, heavily burdened Nazis had found refuge), but also in relation to the apartheid regime in South Africa at the time. No country in the Western alliance supported South Africa’s fascist and racist regime as openly as Israel. The cooperation extended to_the_nuclear_field. Israel has played a role in South Africa’s nuclear armament. South Africa’s nuclear weapons were immediately abolished after the ANC came to power (nuclear weapons in the hands of an African government, a „no go“ for the West). Mention must also be made of the proximity between the former far-right Bolsonaro government in Brazil and Israel. Bolsonaro’s sons even appeared in T-shirts with_the_logos of the IDF and MOSSAD!

Outlook: the USA, Germany and Israel are, as I said, engaging in a triangular trade in hypocritical narratives in order to present themselves to their own population and the rest of the West as guarantors of human rights, freedom and civilization. Historical truth disappears or is disposed of in the Bermuda Triangle they have created. Fortunately, the rest of the world is less and less ready to accept this. The deeds of these three countries and their allies are increasingly open_to_the_eyes of the rest of the world.

Germany is in some ways the weakest link, insofar as its participation in the atrocities is leading the country itself further and further_into_crisis and makes many people in Germany feel that their comfort zone is gone. The country´s policy (bought, blackmailed and threatened) is turning ever more clearly and obviously against the legitimate interests interests of its own population (as well as against the legitimate interests of others). It is to be hoped that the growing discontent does not lead to dull right-wing nationalism, but that social and peace-political lines and structures of orientation force politicians to change course.

The political struggle for peace and social justice is made more difficult by the fact that the US power elite in particular have given humanism an autoimmune disease, so to speak, through their covert machinations, as they have also been practised since the „COINTELPRO“ program. The individual, very important humanist concerns have been isolated from each other and set against each other.

The analytical efforts for clarity are attacked and defamed with two terms of power: „conspiracy belief“ and „Whataboutism„. The latter is intended to prevent the prehistory of conflicts such as the Ukraine war and their classification, as this would reveal the guilt of the West. Logic is suspended. Desperate actions of the resistance in Palestine are isolated from decades of oppression and the systematic prevention of the two-state solution.

Large sections of German politics play a particularly perfidious role in this dangerous fake narrative: Contrary to all the facts, especially with regard to the comparison of the military-spendings between the USA-NATO and Russia, it is repeatedly claimed that if Ukraine were to lose the war, Russia would soon attack other European countries. This fear scenario has nothing whatsoever to do with reality, because Russia has enough to do to fend off the NATO threat in Ukraine. However, this nonsense is intended to keep the population in the EU ready, to keep burning more and more of the economy for the geopolitical ambitions of the USA.

In political media discussions, the only argument is how best to harm Russia and China. However, absurdities are also being systematically smuggled into the alternative media. Support for US imperialism and the Zionist occupation policy is masked in pseudo-left garb, such as the „AntiFa“ in Germany, which is more fa than anti.

A particularly repugnant example is the fight against the peace efforts of the „Jewish_voice_for_a_just_peace in the Middle East“. This Jewish organization is absurdly defamed as „anti-Semitic“ and accounts are blocked. There is hardly an absurdity left that the authorities would not resort to.

And you would hardly believe it, olive green war rhetoric is being sold as „feminist foreign policy“. Even moderate admonitions such as those of SPD politician Mützenich are met with a shitstorm (as is Scholz’s refusal to deliver Taurus). We in the West are living in a new age of inquisition, which was created in this triangle. Incidentally, it was the Inquisition in Spain that accompanied Spain’s decline against the rising British Empire with bans on thought and exclusion. Even today, these are signs of the helplessness of Western power. And the world is seeing this decline ever more clearly!

Anyway, this triangle will not last forever! Perhaps the Bermuda Triangle they have created will one day swallow up its creators.

Andreas Schlüter

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